torsdag 14 januari 2016

Sluggo Pins Mark II - Pre-launch

The new Sluggo Pin-version is on its way. I'm tuning and tweaking the last lines to make it pixel-perfect and small-sized. Got rid of 45 lines of code when I fixed the problem with columns not lined up properly. 

Discovered the the columns lined up differently depending on where source and target tags are in the HTML. But not always - three-in-a-row lines up just perfectly...

I also put some if-statements through a JS-minifier and got rid of 40 more lines. Instead of:

if (Columns == "1R" ){
if (ColWidth > 0){Columns = 1;}}

...I got:


...And a new way to write code more efficient. 

It's just the final touch left and the last doublecheck before the launch. 

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