lördag 20 februari 2016

Sluggo North Star - Rewrite the codes

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
-Thomas Edison

Sometimes things looks like their done, but put into a new context, it crumbles to dust.

My precious North Star didn't work properly. In my effort to fix it, I realized that the old codes won't work - I must rewrite everything. 

On the bright side - I may get tighter codes and I definitely got a new releaseparty. 

måndag 8 februari 2016

Release Party: Sluggo North Star - The Home of Logotypes

Sometimes things got finished faster than expected.

Today I completed a small, but important, milstone - Sluggo North Star!

North Star makes it easy to control the positioning of the Logotype.

North Star is responsive is, of course, responsive and will be a integrated part of Sluggo Beat XP.

The user can:

  • Change position the easy way - R (right). C (center), L (left)
  • OR positioning it with pixels or em (i.e. 10px, 1.4em) 
  • OR positioning it  0%-100% (0%=Left, 50%=Center, 100%=Right)  

As an extra bonus - if the Logotype is bigger than the outer Tag, it will scale down proportional.

You can find the codes at CodePen: