lördag 16 januari 2016

Sluggo Pins Mark II - Pre-launch 2

Ehhh... No... Aaand... No...

The padding won't work. Nor the margins.

My calculations got too complicated.

And they didn't work properly.

Went out for a walk and suddenly I got it.


Oh, man... Tables... Of course...

All the pins structured between columns and the space will also be definied in separat columns. The table can have various width and still have constant space between columns.

Feels like going back to basic and throw away all complicated-calcutated-spaces-did-not-work-anyway.

So simple...

Love it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
table, th, td {
    border: 1px solid black;
    border-collapse: collapse;

<table style="width:100%">
    <td>Pin Row 1</td>
    <td style="width:10px">Space</td>
    <td>Pin Row 2</td>

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